My Top 10 Baking Bucket List for 2019

Pinterest Graffic_ My Top 10 Baking Bucket List.png


These little buggers are my kryptonite. This self-made baker has tried, once, and failed… miserably. This year, THE YEAR OF JOANNA (maybe) DEFEATING THE MACARON- I’m going to try!

Image by Brooke Lark via Unsplash

Image by Brooke Lark via Unsplash

LOOK, look how beautiful they can be! The most exciting part about them is that you can play around endlessly with different flavors. I cannot wait to share my creations with you!


Eclairs are by far my dad’s favorite dessert. He isn’t a big sweets guys, but get him around an eclair or two and he becomes the cookie monster… or rather the eclair monster. Since we have yet to find a reliable source of eclairs, I hope to have this recipe perfected in time for my dad’s birthday in August.

Image by Xenia Bogarova via Unsplash


Another feat I would like to conquer is banana bread. My mom makes the BEST banana bread I’ve ever had. I’ve tried her recipe, I’ve tried a handful of others, but all came up short. This year, I will force (ask nicely) my mom to teach me her glorious ways so I can throw this one under my belt.

Image by Whitney Wright via Unsplash


Who doesn’t love a good croissant in the morning?! When I went to Rome for a semester abroad in college, every morning my best friend and I would stop by the local coffee shop on our way to class to order a cappuccino and a NUTELLA stuffed croissant. It was probably the best croissant I’ve ever had! Tryna bring that deliciousness into my kitchen for 2019.

Image by Brigitte Tohm via Unsplash

Image by Brigitte Tohm via Unsplash


I have been on the edge of my seat waiting for the chance to make some doughnuts. AND just like the macarons, you can play with all sorts of flavor combinations. I can’t wait to bring you my favorites!

Image by Anna Sullivan via Unsplash

Image by Anna Sullivan via Unsplash


Yes, I know… this is a gigantic category. But I am going to keep it here. Maybe sub-sections will be created but I LOVE bread and I want to make all the kinds of bread… so I’m not going to limit myself nor bore you with the longest list of breads known to man. You’ll just have to wait and see my creations!

Image by Alex Block via Unsplash

Image by Alex Block via Unsplash

07 KOURAMBIEDES [koo-rahm-bee-EH-thez]

I come from a Greek family where growing up we had a lot of traditional Greek desserts in and around the house. This is by far my favorite! It is a sweet butter cookie COVERED in powdered sugar (which is possibly the best part). I can’t wait to get my hands on this dessert.

P.S. I realize this is a picture of some type of unnatural pink liquid, BUT if you look just past it… those cookie things with powdered sugar… THOSE are what I am making, although mine will be round not moon shaped :)


Recently, I started watching The Great British Baking Show and one of their challenges was to make a tart. So that got me thinkin’… I’ve never made a tart before AND it seemed like quite a challenge! Not sure the type of of tart yet, maybe something with chocolate because I mean who doesn’t love chocolate?!

Image by Alex Loup via Unsplash

Image by Alex Loup via Unsplash


Growing up, my sister and I would beg our mom to get us danish from the grocery store. You guys know the one, with the blue cursive that you never really read but is super recognizable, yeah that one (note from the sister: she is referring to Entenmenn’s)! It was one of our favorite breakfast treats as a kid. How fun to learn how to make it from scratch!

Image by Cherry Laithang via Unsplash


What better combination than chocolate chips and bacon?! I found this recipe somehwere online in one of those deep dives into a Pinterest wormhole and I couldn’t NOT put this on my list!

Image by Jennifer Pallian via Unsplash

That’s all for now… happy baking, bees!!